Friday, May 19, 2006

Miracle Blanket, or not...

Mason had the best sleep of his young life the other night when I had him in his sling with his arms strapped down. After getting him to sleep in it, I just put the whole package into the bassinette. It was great for everyone. We're talking 3 1/2 hours of uninterrupted sleep. The next night we tried the same thing, and had similar (though not as spectacular results).

Finally last night we received our Miracle Blanket. I swaddled him around 9:30p.m. but had to put him into the sling to get him to sleep. When he fell asleep, I took him out of the sling and put him into the bassinette. He woke up to eat shortly after and afterwards Jeni re-swaddled him. It didn't work though and he didn't fall asleep so Jeni put him back into the sling.

Somehow in there, he wriggled out of his diaper and wet his clothes, the Miracle Blanket, the sling, and his bassinette liner.

So yeah, some Miracle...


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