Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Christmas with Nana and Papa

Our first destination was Mason's Nana and Papa's house. He played with his cousins a lot. Here they are after a pajama dance party. Joe is in a bit of a stubborn phase as you can see.

Joe (behind the hand), Corey, and Mason

On Christmas Eve, we opened presents and Mason "cheesed" it up with his Nana and Papa.

Nana and Mason

Papa and Mason

Corey stopped opening presents long enough to take a picture.

Ken and Corey

Here's a family picture in which I appear slightly deranged.

The family

Mason continued one of the longer days of his life at a party at his great aunt and uncle's house.

He had plenty of cousins and second cousins to play with, so the adults actually could talk with each other. Here is Jeni with Hank and Jeff.

Hank, Jeni, and Curly

Later, Mason's great uncle Doug read "Twas the Night Before Christmas" to all the kids (and Jeni).

Cousins, second cousins, a great uncle...

The next morning, Mason did not sleep in as much as we would have liked. He had two last presents to open, including his first bike (well, tricycle)!

Mason's new wheels


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