Thursday, March 19, 2009

Morning time?

(Mason often asks, "Morning time?" when I go into his room in the morning.) We've got a pretty good morning routine down. Alice usually wakes up once between 2 and 4am, and then again between 6 and 7. I'm up by then and have a chance to shower and start breakfast before it is time to wake up Mason. And depending on when Alice wakes up, she might watch Mason and I eat breakfast while Jeni showers.

Mason still loves doing puzzles and playing with his trains. His imagination has really grown, though, and he does a lot of role playing and building. Here he is doing an Africa puzzle one morning.

Mason still loves puzzles

Alice is almost always in a cheery mood in the morning, at least until 8 or 8:30am when it's time to eat and take a nap.

Mornings are usually happy times

Alice is quite different than Mason already. One example is her ability to fall asleep without being soothed. Mason never just passed out; we always had to rock him or have him on our chest. The other morning Alice fell asleep in her bouncy seat. She didn't sleep long, but Jeni was able to take a picture.

She fell asleep on her own


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