Monday, June 15, 2009

Shhh.....Alice is asleep

A few weeks ago, Jeni and I decided that we needed sleep and that we would need to get Alice to sleep through the night.

So for three nights when Alice would wake up, we let her cry until she fell back asleep. And then, it worked! Just like that! For the last week Alice has been sleeping from 7pm to 6am, sometimes waking to eat around 1am. Additionally, she is a very good napper now as well.


Alice!  Napping!  Shhh.....

Mason had been acting up a bit, but now that Alice is napping and Jeni and he can spend time together during the day, he is doing really well.

Mason "reading"

He still loves to "read" books.


Blogger Jason and Rebecca said...

It's so amazing when that works, isn't it? I remember the epiphany when we did it with Griffin. Next baby we are certainly doing it SOONER! Hope you're all enjoying your extra ZZZs.

12:08 AM  

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