Thursday, November 30, 2006

Thanksgiving, Part 1

We had a great first Thanksgiving with Mason. He had a few issues sleeping at his grandparents' houses, but kept to his nap schedule which made everyone happy.

Last Wednesday, Mason had a bath in the morning before we left for Illinois and I had a chance to take this shot.

Is that a naked baby?

We went to his Grandma Hollie and Grandpa Tom's house Wednesday and Thursday night. He quickly figured out that the flashing red light (anti-redeye) from Hollie's camera meant that the flash was coming. So she has a lot of pictures that look like this.

Squinting because of the flash

Mason got in the spirit of Thanksgiving and had sweet potato for the first time. At first he was very wary, but soon really seemed to enjoy it.

Thanksgiving sweet potatoes

On Black Friday, Mason was up bright and early to go to the sales, but for some reason I just tried to get him back to sleep. Oh well. Later that day, he was feeling much livelier than I was.

Tummy time is the best

This post is getting a bit long. Stay tuned for Part 2.


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