Sick little guy
Mason has been sick for the last few days with a stomach bug that's been going through his playgroup. His little friend Audrey got it even worse. Here they are in better times.

Mason has pretty much been hanging out in his pajamas and not going outside in the cold rain.

His illness has led to some strange behavior. For example, Mason watched as much TV last weekend as in his entire previous life. He now points at the TV and asks to watch "football" or "basketball" (of course, those words sound a little different coming out of his mouth). He also napped on the couch with Hogarth yesterday.

Mason has pretty much been hanging out in his pajamas and not going outside in the cold rain.

His illness has led to some strange behavior. For example, Mason watched as much TV last weekend as in his entire previous life. He now points at the TV and asks to watch "football" or "basketball" (of course, those words sound a little different coming out of his mouth). He also napped on the couch with Hogarth yesterday.