Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Sick little guy

Mason has been sick for the last few days with a stomach bug that's been going through his playgroup. His little friend Audrey got it even worse. Here they are in better times.

Audrey and Mason want to be let out

Mason has pretty much been hanging out in his pajamas and not going outside in the cold rain.

Sick boy (he looks so skinny)

Too sick too play outside

His illness has led to some strange behavior. For example, Mason watched as much TV last weekend as in his entire previous life. He now points at the TV and asks to watch "football" or "basketball" (of course, those words sound a little different coming out of his mouth). He also napped on the couch with Hogarth yesterday.

sick boy

Christmas decorations

Two weekends ago, we decorated our house for Christmas. We still have an apartment sized assortment of decorations, so we haven't put lights up outside. Mason really liked helping hang ornaments, and we were hoping to get a card worthy picture, but I don't think that we did.

Look at that tree

Xmas pose

I'm going to like pulling on the ornaments

Possible card?

Mason gave me a hug as consolation for missing "the shot."

Xmas hug

Random collection

Here is a random assortment from the last few weeks.

Mason saying goodbye to his Uncle Chris after Thanksgiving.

Bye Chris

Mason modeling his new bib.

No comment

And finally, Mason's new trick!

Sick dog

One of the things keeping us from updating this site in November was our sick dog. Hogarth had been acting a little out of sorts and Jeni brought him into the vet to have him checked out. An x-ray revealed four large bladder stones that were causing him a lot of pain. So we bit the bullet and spent a lot of money on surgery for him.

Mason was very empathetic (for an 18 month old anyway) and mostly refrained from bothering Hogarth too much during his convalescence.

Empathising with the dog

Hogarth is feeling much better and Mason is back to chasing him around.

Xmas kisses

Fall in our new yard

Mason and Jeni did a little raking in the yard a few weeks ago (before it was so cold and wet out). Mason didn't appreciate being tossed into the pile.

Not a fan of of the leaves

Here's a nice picture of our handsome man a bit later.

Handsome Man!

And we're back...

It's been tough to find time to blog about Mason lately. He is just getting over some stomach flu that has raged through his playgroup, but is still really struggling with some new teeth. Our usual 12-hour-per-night sleeper only slept 6-hours last night.

Back in happier times, we celebrated Mason's 18-month birthday with a piece of cake.

Here's a before picture and a little video.

18 month cake before

Here's an after picture. Jeni and I helped him eat a little of the cake.

18 month cake after