Sunday, April 19, 2009


Mason, Jeni, and Jeni's mom colored Easter eggs one afternoon before Easter.

Making Easter Eggs

Bubba and Alice

On Easter Sunday, Mason found all of the Easter eggs that I hid. I guess that I'll need to hid them a bit more slyly next year.

I didn't hide the eggs very well

Jeni got Mason some Jelly Belly jelly beans, but he doesn't seem to like them. Maybe he got a "buttered popcorn" one?

Showing Alice the candy that she can't eat

Alice: sleeping and eating

Alice is eating very well and getting much bigger. About a month or so ago, she began to have some problems keeping food down and in. She's only gotten better now that Jeni has cut dairy and eggs out of her diet.

At the same time that Alice had her gastrointestinal problems, she also stopped sleeping quite as well. She now wakes up two or three times a night instead of only one or two. We hope that as her stomach matures a bit she will go back to her old ways.

She is still very cute though so Jeni and I can't be too upset.

Alice is happy at the table

One day their will be food on the spoon

Gravity vs. Alice's cheek

Sleeping in

Mason's thumb

So I think the last month has been the longest posting drought in this blog's history. Kids and work are keeping us busy.

About a month ago, Mason had surgery on his right thumb. He had never been able to straighten it, a condition called "trigger thumb." Champaign-Urbana lacks a pediatric hand surgeon, which necessitated numerous trips to Springfield.

The good news is that the surgery went great, Mason can bend his thumb, and a few weeks later the scar is starting to fade a bit. Mason was very brave during the whole process and loves to show people how his thumb works.

Mason's post surgery wrap

At least he's got his car

No more bandage