Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Alice's 6 month check up

Alice had her six-month check-up yesterday. She was a good little trooper. Mason went along and consoled her after her three shots. He also was a bit of a hero during the car ride home. He said, "Stop Allie!" and told Jeni that Alice was about to eat one of her bandages.

On to the stats!

Alice now weighs 19 lb 5.5 oz (94.5 percentile) and is 28.5 inches long (99.5 percentile). Those numbers put her in the 44.6 percentile for weight-to-length ratio. Time to start basketball practice?

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Too hot for shirts

This weather is terrible. So Mason and Alice did without shirts at dinner tonight.


You'll note that Alice can't keep her eyes off of her cereal spoon.

We had beets which Mason really liked, especially the pink stains they left behind.


He was a bit disappointed when his tongue was no longer red after he brushed his teeth tonight.

Happy Father's Day to me!

I had a nice Father's Day. Jeni made us waffles for breakfast and then we went to a park for a walk in the bugs and mud and then a picnic.

We had a good time despite the heat.



Mason's first picture of Alice

Jeni has been teaching Mason to take pictures. They plan to take pictures of Mason's favorite things and then make a collage of the results.

Here's Mason's first picture of Alice. Pretty good!


Summer camp!

Mason is attending "camp" at a local forest preserve. Each Wednesday morning Jeni, Mason, and Alice drive out and Mason learns about animals, insects, and plants while Jeni and Alice relax with some other parents.

Some of Mason's friends are attending as well. Here he and Natalie show off their hats.


Mason showed absolutely no apprehension about being away from Jeni for the hour and a half of camp. This made Jeni both happy and sad.

Just another post with cute pics of our kids

Alice is sleeping so well these days, but is having a few issues with the heat and a cold that she is getting over. She is still sleeping, but does a lot of moving around her crib and grunting/moaning.

We thought she looked like she was doing tai-chi so we snapped this picture.


We didn't want Mason to feel bad so we snuck into his room to take this.


So they don't feel like we are making fun of them, here is a picture where they both look really nice.


Monday, June 15, 2009

Baseball in the yard

Mason's uncle Chris visited this weekend and brought Mason a belated birthday present of a baseball glove and tee. Mason has been having a lot of fun with them.

Chris is confident that Mason can hit the ball far

Nice hit Mason

Alice posed for some pictures with her grandparents.

Hollie and Alice

Tom and Alice

And we occasionally have a request for Hogarth pictures so here you go.

Ken and Hogarth

Happy sleeper

Now that Alice is sleeping so much, she is much happier during her waking hours. She and Mason "play" together a bit too, now that she can sit on her own.

We took these pictures of Alice a few days ago after a bath. We put some mineral oil in her hair to try to get rid of her cradle cap. It worked a bit, but had the side effect of making her hair a bit stiff.

Alice's mohawk

Happy baby

Our backyard

Our backyard is looking pretty good so far this year. I'm sure that later this summer, when it doesn't rain as often, everything will die because we won't water. For now though we have been having some fun back there.

Mason really likes his swing.

Mason likes it high

We also have a little garden. We had bunny issues until I put a little fence. Hopefully we'll have some tomatoes, peppers, and strawberries later this summer.

Cute farmer and her garden

Nice farmer!

Shhh.....Alice is asleep

A few weeks ago, Jeni and I decided that we needed sleep and that we would need to get Alice to sleep through the night.

So for three nights when Alice would wake up, we let her cry until she fell back asleep. And then, it worked! Just like that! For the last week Alice has been sleeping from 7pm to 6am, sometimes waking to eat around 1am. Additionally, she is a very good napper now as well.


Alice!  Napping!  Shhh.....

Mason had been acting up a bit, but now that Alice is napping and Jeni and he can spend time together during the day, he is doing really well.

Mason "reading"

He still loves to "read" books.

Sunday, June 07, 2009

Visit to Nana and Papa's

Mason and Alice had a nice afternoon with their Nana and Papa last weekend.

Mason rode one of Papa's many bikes. He had three adults around him, so we figured he didn't have to wear his helmet. Also, purposely bailing off the bike is no longer funny.

Look out-here comes Mason

Alice just waited on the porch with Nana.

Nana and Alice

Isn't that a beautiful picture?

New toys

Because Alice enjoys her jumper so much, but we don't have door jambs from which to hang it anywhere in the house but our bedroom, we borrowed some exersaucers from some friends. She loves to stand in them and watch her brother play.

Alice and her new toy

Everything goes into her mouth

Pony tails

Jeni bought little rubber bands for the long hair on the top of Alice's head.

Alice got her hair done

So of course Mason also wants a ponytail.

Mason is going tribal

Aren't they, uh, cute together?

I think its love